
Showing posts from June, 2024

Peru, the Penultimate: Part 1

June 11, 2024 - Machu Picchu Our last stop in Bolivia was right on the Peruvian border, leading to a very uneventful customs and immigration... just the way I like my border crossing. After a delay because the road was closed for two hours (?) we arrived at our first stop in Peru, Puno. Still located on Lake Titicaca, this city is a pretty major thoroughfare for people traveling to/from Peru and Bolivia but is even more noteworthy for its floating villages.  Although we were on a bit of a time crunch, I made it a priority to at least do a half-day trip out to the Isles de Uros, and I was glad that I did.  Not sure what to expect, I was fascinated by village life out on the manmade islands constructed of reeds. Our tour included a tutorial on how the islands are made and what it takes to keep their community afloat....literally. With less than 24 hours in Puno, as soon as the tour was done, it was a quick lunch of Cuy (Guinea pig, a traditional dish here) and then on a bus to Arequipa.